Powerpuff Girls x Dunk SB Low Bubbles Women's The iconic animated franchise, The Powerpuff Girls, is set to merge creatively with Dunk SB, resulting in a co-branded venture. The series will showcase three central characters, namely Blossom (pink), Bubbles (blue), and Buttercup (green), each ingeniously designed to embody their distinctive colors. Blossom, a petite law enforcer bearing the same name, is adorned in shades of pink and orange. The heel features an embroidered depiction, showcasing iconic eyes and a smiling mouth, exuding a playful charm near the sole. Bubbles and Buttercup seamlessly follow suit with their character-themed color schemes, and the oversized eyes on the heel contribute a touch of novelty to the collaborative design. In addition to the three protagonist color palettes, the Powerpuff Girls' arch-nemesis, Mojo JoJo, makes a menacing appearance. Bubble's footwear diverges in texture across the three offerings, displaying a dazzling snakeskin finish accentuated by a cobalt blue treatment on the upper. Vibrant yellow laces and contouring cyclones inject vitality into the dunks cheap tricolored ensemble, while the character's blue eyes are skillfully embroidered at the heel. The upper overlay is further enhanced by a deep black trim that seamlessly transitions into the midsole. A manifestation of the popular animated series, Skygirl collaborates with Dunk SB to unveil the Dunk Low Pro SB QS "Bubbles" as part of a footwear collection inspired by the beloved show. Robust enclosures, featuring black sidewalls and blue translucent rubber outsoles, provide solid support for the sneakers. The textured blue leather upper is adorned with glossy satin, accentuated by black piping and a prominent yellow Swoosh. The tongue of each plush shoe displays a repeating pattern punctuated by the Powerpuff Girls logo, while the oversized heel mirrors Bubbles' trademark blue eyes. Powerpuff Girls x Dunk SB Low Bubbles Stype Code : FZ8320 400 Colorway: Blue Chill / Deep Royal Blue / Active Pink Release Date: 12/14/23